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Fundación Lenga has been working since 2019 to promote Zero Waste tourism in the southern territories of Chile among companies, locals and visitors.

Lenga Foundation

The Lenga Foundation team began its action in the Magallanes region and has expanded northwards in the Araucanía region.

Its name is inspired by the native tree of the southern forests of Chile, the Lengas, which grow in cold environments, where the shoots or saplings must associate in order to grow together, support each other and generate a solid trunk based on collaboration.

Tourism towards Zero Waste Chile

Under the project Tourism towards Zero Waste Chile, financed and supported for the second consecutive year by GAIA LAC and Break Free From Plastic, have developed collaborative work with the Go Zero Waste app to give visibility to companies in the tourism sector committed to advancing towards Zero Waste in the towns of Pucón, Puerto Natales, Punta Arenas and Puerto Williams.

All the ventures detected and constantly updated have been incorporated into the collaborative map of the Go Zero Waste app as can be seen below:

Project objectives

1.Make visible

The network of enterprises that work with Zero Waste criteria in the southern and southern part of Chile, highlighting their work.

SDG 12 | Production and

responsible consumption


To the communities to adopt actions that reduce the environmental impact of tourism in the main cities.

SDG 11 | Cities and

sustainable communities

3. Educate

To residents and tourists about Zero Waste and an environmentally responsible tourism model.

SDG 13 | Climate action

What actions have been carried out within the project?

  • Location of enterprises committed to Zero Waste criteria.
  • Incorporation of the ventures into the map of the Go Zero Waste app (collaborative and constantly updated).
  • Design and distribution of posters (flyers) to publicize the project in Puerto Williams, Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales and Pucón, main tourist towns in the region.
  • “Toxic Tours” itinerary in collaboration with Break Free From Plastic.
  • Informative talks.
  • Cleaning of natural spaces with volunteers.

Meet the Lenga Foundation team

Josefa Valenzuela Correa

Waste and conservation area director

Paulina Rojas Moreno

Project area director

Javiera Gómez Agüero

Project area director

“We want visitors to become active actors in the protection and conservation of the places they visit”


  • +70 ventures located in the south of Chile and the southern zone
  • +70 people participated in the in-person and online workshops
  • +100 posters distributed between Puerto Williams, Punta Arenas, Pucón and Villarrica
  • 2 business advice on Zero Waste
  • +820 downloads of available resources: Tourism Guide to Zero Waste, catalog and app downloads

Downloadable resources


Email: hola@fundacionlenga.com
Official Web: fundacionlenga.com
Instagram: @fundacionlenga
Access all the links of interest here: https://linktr.ee/fundacionlenga




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